Improving Speed and Agility for Soccer Players

Secrets to Soccer Training: Improving Speed and Agility

secrets-to-soccer_Blog_img_Speed_and_AgilitySpeed and agility are important attributes in many common sports. Developing both can make a great difference to the performance in sports.

The guide below leads you through basics to begin improving an upgrading your speed as well as agility. This will certainly help you be on your best in soccer.

It is indeed true that professional players of soccer such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Leonel Messi are very effective due to their ability to change direction very quickly as well as the ability to turn on a dime.

They are often praised for natural abilities and talents, but it should be known that their performance at the field is mostly a result of their hard work during their training. Players of soccer greatly use short movements that are quick with their feet.

Thus, speed and agility are very invaluable to soccer players’ sets of skill. Working on the skills using the many available drills leads to overall improvement in the game.

Total Soccer Fitness: It is a soccer program that will help you improve your speed & agility and overall fitness for soccer. 


There are a good variety of ways a soccer athlete can be able to uplift speed. This relies on numerous attributes. Thus level of fitness, body composition, training experience, and many others

Average trained soccer athlete should know that the fastest way to increase their linear speed is by exercising in sprints that are short with full recovery usually about 5-50m (mainly for team sports) such as soccer .

It is also true that Weight training through improving the relative body strength thus, strength or bodyweight will certainly help in speed improvement. It will do not have much impact on increasing of speed if sprint is not involved.

This also applies in bounding and leaping plyometric drills which influence improvement of flexibility as well as mobility.

Soccer does require a coach whose job is to analyze, criticize and also suggest improvement techniques. They also judge whether a soccer player is improving or not. It should be noted that these soccer coaches have professional skills on the same.

Improve your speed and agility, secrets to soccer training suggest that for an untrained soccer athlete the fastest and best way to uplift speed and agility is by improvements in composition of the body.

This is through losing fat if one is overweight and increasing muscle and mass if one is underweight and also the general physical preparation(GPP) thus in the case of sprinting or boosting general body fitness and relative strength of the body.

For an untrained athlete much effort in sprinting and training on agility is not needed until the athlete has acquired a level of GPP and body composition that are both suitable.

Agility is the ability to begin, stop as well as change direction. Many of the drills in training that enhance agility are likely to be greatly stressful on soft tissue and on joints and therefore the drills have to be done with volumes that are low.

Good examples of the greater impact drills are the plyometric drills (which include bounding and leaping) and also cone drills.

Total Soccer Fitness: It is a soccer program that will help you improve your speed & agility and overall fitness for soccer. 

Plyometrics and Weight training and are very useful contributors to a program of soccer training. Youth soccer players should indeed avoid weight training, but there are a good number of exercises that increase explosiveness in players that are more developed.

Exercises like leg press and squats are certainly very important for players of soccer as they both increase leg strength as well as toughening of the muscles of the leg that are used in movements that are dynamic.


Cone drills are very useful in training for players of soccer who want to improve speed as well as agility. To maximize results from cone drills, soccer athletes need to maintain their form throughout, keeping their bodies balanced, and also staying on the balls of their own feet.

The soccer drills are meant to mimic the position of the movements that are dynamic during the game.

A very good example of these drills is the cone-line drill. 10 cones are spaced out evenly in a straight line and various drills are performed around the cones or even over the cones including; one-foot hops, shuffling, and also high knees.

The main factor that facilitates the improvement is to allow the body to adapt to movement through repetition and creation of muscle memory. Muscle memory refers to muscles adapting to some movements that may at first feel foreign.

After enough repetition, the movements become a second nature and they can be performed without much effort during a game.

The above ways certainly help to Improve your speed and agility, They offer secrets to effective soccer training.

Total Soccer Fitness: It is a soccer program that will help you improve your speed & agility and overall fitness for soccer. 

Secrets to Soccer Training: Improving Speed and Agility for Soccer Players

written by: torch23

Posted in Soccer Coaches Info., Soccer Knowledge, Soccer Players Info..