Learning how to Juggle a Soccer Ball for Beginners

For many of the younger soccer players, learning how to juggle a soccer ball can be a difficult task. But with persistence and understanding, juggling a soccer ball can be master.

In this video by “AllAttack” channel on Youtube provides you some soccer drills and ideas on how to juggling a soccer ball, especially for the beginners.

Here are some keys points in this video:

  • Mental & Persistence
  • Use your hands at the beginning
  • Alternate and use both feet and other body parts
  • Use the Backspin to help you control the soccer ball
  • Juggle using your lower body first then move up to your upper body when you are ready.

Secrets to Soccer Training: Learning how to Juggle a Soccer Ball for Beginners

Posted in Soccer Coaches Info., Soccer Knowledge, Soccer Players Info..